Saturday, February 6, 2016

What We've Learned From The Democrats And Their Debates

My very astute Central Iowa correspondent, 'The Night Owl', sent me a forward regarding the Democrat primaries and their candidate promises. After reading tell me what's new.

Black Lives Matter, All other Lives Don't.
College should be free and all student loans need to be canceled.
Medical treatment should be free except for the very rich.
To become an American Citizen just get here any way you can.
The economy sucks and after 7 years in office, it’s not Obama’s fault.
The Middle Class is shrinking and after 7 years in office, it’s not Obama’s fault.
The Average Family income has dropped dramatically and after 7 years in office, it’s not Obama’s fault.
Hard working successful people need to share at least 3/4's  of what they earn with the lazy and uneducated  who feel they're owed a living.
Hispanic youth unemployment is over 35% and after 7 years in office, it’s not Obama’s fault.
50% of our population is paying 100% of all the taxes and they are considered still not paying their fair share.
Government wants more money to squander on promises already broken.
The word “Progressive” is less cringe worthy than saying you’re a Liberal, or a socialist or a Democrat.
The United States should be Norway, Sweden or the Netherlands.
There’s a quagmire in Iraq, Syria and the Middle East and Obama’s retreating from the area has nothing to do with the situation.
Eric Snowden and General David Petraeus broke laws for releasing and not securing secret documents but Hillary Clinton shares absolutely no responsibility for and furthermore doesn't remember doing the same thing or worse.
There are only two candidates given a voice in the Democrat race and they are two withered old people.
The only qualification needed to be President is to be a woman.
You will receive a participation trophy in life.
Everything is Bush's fault!

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