Saturday, February 27, 2016

The Good And The Bad About Donald Trump

Apparently I didn't please quite a few of my fellow citizens with an opinion piece I wrote about Mr. Trump yesterday. Politics and sports conversations bring out the best and worst in people.

In order to achieve a bit of fairness I felt it necessary to present an even balanced approach to the views of my readers so I thought it might be a good idea to present the 'Good and the Bad' about Mr. Trump based on his previous quotes.

These aren't off the top the top of my head but come from John Hawkins at Townhall so there's bound to have been some solid and verifiable research done for the sake of accuracy.

I've always been amazed at the political process in our elections. Why it takes over a year to select a candidate it is a sacrilege. The Brits get it done and over with quickly. There's not a shed of evidence to show that a three month process, from beginning to end, wouldn't accomplish the same. That's the reason I only watch Fox for one hour each day. Every hourly segment starts off the same---BREAKING NEWS!---then it's the same old bat scat for the rest of the day.

Back to my fairness point. First we'll present quotes favoring those who support The Donald followed by those who don't. Remember, please, they come from one man only at one publication only so don't blame me. I'm only here as the purveyor of information for those who are too lazy to look it up.

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