Thursday, December 8, 2016

Have You Spent $90 Million On Vacations

In less than two weeks, the Obama family will take their final taxpayer-funded vacation to Hawaii. By the time they return to Washington, they will have spent about 90 million dollars on vacations.
Tell me. How many of you could spend 90 million dollars on eight years’ worth of vacations?
What could you do with that kind of money?
Thanks to the Obama economy, there are 95 million Americans no longer in the labor force.
But what do those people matter to the Obamas? Not when there are lavish vacations to be had.
The Obama's have taken advantage of us for eight years.
It’s shameful really.
But these people have no shame.
Barack Obama just told Rolling Stone that the first thing he would do after he left the White House was take Michelle on a “well-deserved vacation.”
So why fly to Hawaii for two and a half weeks a month before he leaves office?
Patriot Retort

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