Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Banned By Facebook

Overall Facebook is despicable. I've been off again on again Finnegan three different times. In a moment of utter stupidity I signed up for the fourth time. It isn't too often I would make comments.
I've said before the #1 reason for us old-timers to visit the site is to reacquaint ourselves with lost loves.

I decided to get back on again because my children post pictures of their children. Since they live in Cincinnati, Olathe, Kansas and Scottsdale, Arizona it's an opportunity to see my grandchildren grow.

I did all the necessary work involved in renewing my membership and clicked on the log in sign. Guess what" I've been banned. Yep, yours truly is no longer allowed to be on the site.

The beauty of this is I was banned from the comments section of ABC five years ago. Hey, gang, I'm on a roll.

I'm considering this slight a badge of honor, thank you.

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