Monday, August 6, 2018


I want to make sure that a criminal who sneaked into the United States will be protected with my tax dollars, by the government that has sworn to protect me, and make sure undocumented citizens have safe harbor and sanctuary in my neighborhood.

I want to make sure that when a foreign criminal is safely harbored in my neighborhood that I do not have access to a gun for protection.
I want to make sure that an illegal alien is not separated from their children. I want to make sure they can all go, as a family, to my local hospital and social services and use up all the resources and not pay “their fair share.”
I want to make sure a man who identifies as a woman (this week) (remember, gender is fluid) will be in our wive’s, daughter’s, sister’s and mother’s toilet, locker room and changing room.
I want to make sure heroin addicts have access to clean syringes, because the last thing we want is for the heroin addict to get pricked with syringes that have deadly diseases on them, like the ones people step on when the heroin addicts discard them in the street.
I want to make sure I step in as much human feces as possible while walking in a bustling city.
I want my taxes to go up.
I want a president that leads from behind, does not think America is particularly exceptional and tells me I’m not responsible for anything I achieved, and that the government had a large hand in it, so they are entitled to keep their hand in it.
I want black lives to matter more than any other living organism on the planet.
I want white people to recognized as the evil scum that they are.
I do not want unemployment to go down.
I want to pay enormous taxes to combat a climate crisis that has not been proven to either exist or be solvable through taxation.

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