Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Saving Social Security

The Democrats have few issues to run on this November. In our 12th Ohio district the candidate out of power, Danny O'Connell ran against Troy Balderson(R) in a run-off. His issues were: lower taxes. I thought Trump did this and when was the last time a Democrat lowered taxes; raising Medicare benefits and to save Social Security.

I ask you this question. When was the last time Republicans said they were going to destroy Social Security? It's a scare tactic to get us old folks to switch our votes to the donkey party.

When Al Gore was running he promised to put a 'lock box' on Social Security. What a joke! Folks, there is no money in a social security box. It's long gone.

Here's the true scenario. When John F. Kennedy took office he needed money to fund that wonderful program called the Peace Corps. You know, young kids going around the world to help people install outhouses instead of pooping behind bushes. As the years went by the youthful volunteers, supposed do-gooders, needed a way to avoid going to Viet Nam so the Peace Corps was the way out.

JFK funded his Peace Corps by taking money from Social Security. So much for old people brought to you by the Democrats. And so it goes.

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