Thursday, August 16, 2018

Driving Pet Peeve Number 3,042

If you live in a small town you won't appreciate this driving pet peeve. If you live in a large urban area you'll know what I mean.

There's an outer belt, I-270 running around Columbus proper. When driving home to Dublin I'll exit the outer belt onto Sawmill Drive, go two blocks and park in the left turn lane. If I'm fifth or sixth in line I begin to sweat profusely. The left turn light lasts approximately 13 seconds. Trust me this is a constant. The first vehicle in line will wait five seconds after the light changes then makes the turn slower than a caterpillar or slug in their Olympic games. I never, ever get to make the turn. Sawmill traffic going north and south is like something out of New York City. As for the driver in the front of the line----I hate these people!

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