Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Where Have All The Doctors Gone

My general practitioner is a nice guy. I've been going to him for physicals, aches, pains and general anxiety since 1989. I once asked him if he like his job. His answer: "Not really but I enjoy talking to my patients". Truth be told he could blackmail me with all the personal info I've told him over the years.

About six months after ObamaCare went into effect we were talking about how he had been impacted. He told me he hated it because most of his day was taken up with bureaucratic nonsense which didn't give him time to be with his patients. The Queen had a doctor in the same office and was just taken with him. What, you might ask, was his response to ObamaCare? He quit and went into private business.

I found an article from Investors Business Daily that backs up the premise ObamaCare is a negative.

Health Reform: A year before ObamaCare became law, an IBD/TIPP Poll warned that it would lead to doctor shortages because many would quit or retire early. New evidence shows that our warnings were dead on.

 A recent report from the Association of Medical Colleges projects doctor shortages of up to 121,300 within the next 12 years. That's a 16% increase from their forecast just last year.
Not only are medical schools having trouble attracting doctors (New York University plans to offer free tuition to its med students), but current physicians are cutting back on patient visits, retiring early or switching careers.

Joe Biden was right. ObamaCare is an F'ing big deal but not in a good way.

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