Tuesday, August 7, 2018

This N' That From Dublin Ohio

It's been a whirlwind week. The Queen and I, stupidly, drove from Minnesota to Ohio via I-94 across Wisconsin. At the midpoint of the state is the Wisconsin Dells. It's a lot like Dollywood in Tennessee except much larger with many more people eating cotton candy and sucking on Sno-Cones.

On Sunday they head home to, where else, Chicago? I-94 is a normally driven two hour drive to the Illinois. Settlers in the 1800's went across the Great Plains faster than us.

We voted today in Ohio's 12th District special election to replace a retiring congressman. This district hasn't voted Democrat since 1980. I'm not going to tell you how I cast me vote but I will tell you I don't vote communist.

In the polling line I saw a very hot mom. She was in her 30's. Normal men always have their antennae up in crowded situations. Anyway, I started thinking about what my mom told me about girls when I was a kid. "It's not their looks but their personality that's the most important." I ask you, when you were young and on the prowl would you look at a girl who had to sneak up on a water fountain to get a drink would you say, "Gee, I just bet she has a great personality".

We attended the Dublin Irishfest on Friday. It's the largest festival of its kind which includes Dublin, Ireland. Her Majesty and I are in love with a group called We Banjo 3. Were groupies and they always put on a magical enthusiastic show. If they're in your area check them out.

I had two doctors appointments yesterday. One was at eleven and the other at one. I did something I rarely do in between and that was to stop into a Dunkin Donuts. In trying to select a goodie I noticed all of the donuts have a sign underneath stating the number of calories in each morsel. I ask you, who goes into a donut shop and concerns themselves with the calories going into the body?

My son and his kids came up on Sunday to celebrate one of the kids birthday. As they were leaving I told my son to be careful when he takes his trip to Singapore next week. He thanked me then I left him with this parting shot; "Just make certain you don't come back with slanted eyes". My son gave me the needle about being PC. I told him I'd never give up the ghost to political correctness. I remember the days when we could tell Polish jokes and everyone would laugh even the Polacks. My granddaughter asked me about PC. I told her to look it up when she got home. If a person can't be politically incorrect what good is it to be alive? I'd wager there are more ethnic jokes told on the golf course than any other venue except for a sports bar. In my defense there was a law passed in 1950 saying anyone born before that year would be allowed to be politically incorrect for the rest of their life. Technically, it's called the 'I don't give a flying crap what you think law'.

By the way, did you hear the one about the Black guy, the homosexual Catholic and the drunk Irishman who all went to Hell?
I haven't either but if I think about it long enough I'll come up with something good.

We're flying back to the Minnesota lake place next week. You'll probably wonder why we're only here for a week. The answer is easy if you know we're both 72. Can you say doctor's appointments. The sad aspect of this is my GP told me I was in great health. Heck, he could have told me that over the phone. My hearing aid doc took exactly thirty-second to make an adjustment. The trip home cost us over two hundo. Seems like money well spent, huh?

P.S. If any of you know where I misplaced my dammit to Hell drivers license give me a shout.

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