Friday, November 21, 2008

Out of the Mainstream: Me?

Time to update an aspect of the November election. Initial numbers had shown that John McCain had defeated Barry Obama with the Catholic vote by 2%. This is a mistake on my part as the numbers have been updated. The President elect won the Catholic vote 54% to 45% McCain. I'll give some Catholics the benefit of the doubt on this. Is it possible that some were not even aware of his stance? After all, he did say that he wanted to reduce the number of abortions. Of course, every pro-abortion candidate candidate says this. Bill Clinton said this. Enough said. It could be that some members of my sect did not know of Obama's three votes allowing babies of botched abortions to die unattended. Maybe it wasn't talked about enough by the media. It wasn't. Maybe McCain only gave this aspect lip service. He did by not being specific.
It's one thing to say, I'm pro-life. It's quite another to give the graphic details of his opponent's stance but the Arizona guy didn't do it.
For me, there is no wiggle room on this subject. Period. There is no room for discussion. Period. There is no room for trying to find common ground. Period.
My son, a fine Catholic man, says we have to change hearts and minds first. Well, I don't have the time. I'm closing in on the 'check out' generation.
There are any number of types of Catholics; Cafeteria Catholics come to mind. They like to pick and choose what fits their lifestyle. Some Catholics are Cradle Catholics who lose interest and just don't go anymore. Some Catholics are C&E Catholics. They attend to Mass twice a year. The Church says they're out if they don't attend on Christmas and Easter so they just need to do the minimun to cover their you know what's. Personally, I don't care how Catholics practice their faith. I don't care if they attend church. Some of the most Christian people I know don't attend any church. Lord, knows I have enough trouble taking care of myself. In the big picture, though, don't tell me you're a Catholic then turn around and vote for someone who supports infanticide and in the process come up with every lame excuse to do so. One can't call themselves Catholic unless they practice the laws of the Church.
As I wrote in an earlier essay and will continue to write: pray for the unborn. Theirs is going to be a gruesome death. I wouldn't be so upset about this subject except I just found out Obama got 54% of the Catholic vote to McCain's 45%.

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