Friday, November 21, 2008

The Vetted Monster

I had written a few days ago about detestable words; those that should be kicked out of the dictionary. One of them was this years political winner; 'vetted'. Being a former resident of Davenport, Iowa, I check out the local newspaper daily. Remember? I have to satisfy my obituary curiosity, too. Regardless, I saw a news blurb about a "vettfest". "Wow", I thought. There's going to be a get together of of vettophites; people who hate the word vetted or, God forbid, love it. I imagined 'vettophiles dancing around a huge fire offering chants to the Vettgods. What a relief! They were a group of Corvette lovers. This was a simple and gratifying explanation and a large load off my mind. It also reminded me of what my buddy, Craig, said to me when I told him my sister was going to marry a vet(t). He wondered how anyone could fall in love with a car.

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