Sunday, April 17, 2011

Ants In The Pants

Have you ever sat back and asked yourself the question: "Is this all their is"? It could apply to the job you currently have. When I was thirty-nine that was my dilemma so I networked and came up with something else besides teaching.
I've been giving some serious consideration lately about moving to a new area and it has to do, not with a job, but with aging. Mind you, we're not dissatisfied with Dublin, Ohio. It's been one of our favorite places. I'll make the ultimate statement: "I could die happy here"! But, there might be something else out there.
Now, don't get the idea I'm maudlin about this blog. I'm only being realistic and as the Schlitz beer commercials used to say, "life is short so you have to reach out with gusto".
The way I figure it, I have two distinct phases left in life: from 65-75 and 75 to whatever. In the former I plan on getting around much the same as I do now. In the 'whatever' phase it could range from an oxygen tank to a wheelchair to an iron lung to a home where even your family doesn't want to see you e.g. "Do we have to go see Grandpa, again. I wanted to watch TV".
Let us concentrate on the first phase. If I were to move someplace where would it be?
Do you know what I'm seriously thinking? I've done some research on this town; read some pertinent info and looked at pictures. Ta-dah! It is Albuquerque, New Mexico. For some reason it appeals to me. it's a big place, maybe 500,000. It's surrounded by mountains and the cost of living is good. It gets a little chilly in winter and if that bothers you drive on down to Las Cruces where it's quite a bit warmer. It's a lot closer than, say, driving to Florida from Ohio.
Besides, with my good lookin', near Indian appearance, I'd fit right in and might even qualify for some free food stuffs at the local canteen. Go Lobos!

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