Friday, April 22, 2011

The Real Earth Day

Today's the big day; It's Earth Day. And it wasn't founded by the Jolly Green Giant. A fella by the name of Gaylord Nelson, Senator from, where else, Wisconsin started it back in 1970 at a teach-in for environmental awareness. Wisconsin has always been off the wall. Is it possible their brandy and beer consumption has something to do with this? This is how excited I am about ED. I'm too tired and bored with the subject to attempt research. Yesterday, I did look at Green Peace as to their total numbers. They threw out some bogus figure like 250,000 in the US. That seems almost astronomical to me. I've never met a Green Peace person, not a hard core one, anyway. I've never met a Earth Day aficionado, either, unless one counts public school elementary teachers who teach their tykes songs like, "we hate plastic and rubber bands".
I will celebrate Earth Day by doing the following today: make a visit to Church, say the rosary and do the stations of the cross. Around three o'clock I'll go back to church for a few minutes. That's the 3rd hour of Jesus' suffering or so they(scholars) tell us. People, this would be the REAL Earth Day. Until Mr. Gore allows himself to be nailed to a cross for three hours Jesus Christ has my vote and undivided attention.
If it wasn't raining I might continue the ED celebration by mowing and carrying sticks to the curb so the "keepers of the almighty flame" can take them to the dump.
In closing, would you really want to break bread with Al Gore?

See Ira Einhorn

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