Saturday, June 18, 2011

Three Attack Dogs We Need

What a book! What a message! I just finished reading Ann Coulter's new book, "Demonic", and I couldn't put it down once I broke cover. One of the reasons for this was I had a four and a half hour flight to Tucson with a stopover in Chicago. Aside from that, in my opinion, this is Coulter's very best. It is well researched, filled with poignant analogies of liberal madness and lies and lets the reader know that there is hope for conservatives if we would learn to counterattack. i.e. To not back down when the libs create their gibberish and false charges. For me her very best analogy centered around the French Revolution. The radicals in France, Jacobins, were able to coerce the people(mass mobs) to do their dirty work. Coulter adroitly sees Jacobins as today's liberals. The main thesis of the book is that liberals control mobs and create a frenzy among these people because they are followers, not thinkers. Don't believe me? Then read the book.
I have a buddy who will not read Coulter. His comment on her is, "I don't like her. She's too divisive". Holy queen of crap! I say to this, "Great"! There is not one example of a conservative ever assassinating or attempting to do so to a president, of assassination or attempting to do that to any elected official. Conservatives don't throw pies into faces of speakers. They don't throw rocks through store windows or turn over and burn cars. I told my friend: You don't have to like Coulter. "She's the messenger not the message". I wanted to add the word "stupid" but I hung up.
I have every Ann Coulter book she's written on my library shelf. She is my favorite writer the way Palin and Bachman are my favorite politicians and the reason(s) why: Except for Alan West they are three of the few who will tell Libs to put it where the sun don't shine. They get in their collective lyin' sack of crap faces. They don't apoloize or make excuses. They tell it like it should be. "The Three Chicks" should be running this country. Answer me this, Cowboy. Who would the towelheads respect more, Obama or Palin? If Obama was your Dad or Palin your Mom and you screwed up who would you fear most? Ain't close, is it?
They take nothing from liars like Olbermann, Maddow, Ed Schulz, Brian Williams, Katie Couric and the biggest jerk of all, Bill Maher. I mean, what are his credentials besides being a poster child for abortion. No wait--partial birth abortion!
Coulter, Palin and Bachman: Cajones the size of Haloween pumpkins and then some.

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