Thursday, June 9, 2011

What Did You Do In The War, Daddy?

By now you've heard that Anthony Weiner's wife, Huma Abedin, is pregnant. What is it with liberals that the wife goes by her maiden name? At any rate, there are some untold consequences to this event if we look down the road a tad bit. If said child happens to be a girl will Weiner tweet her on special events in her life: 16th birthday, graduation, wedding? Can you imagine her thinking, "Uh-oh, daddy's tweeting me with a picture of himself"? If a son, will he he have carte blanche to pick up where the old man left off.
Just the thought of what lies ahead for this kid when speaking of his daddy sends shivers up his spine. Massive embarrassment to say the least. My own dad was somewhat of a philanderer and to this day I cringe at the thought. One has to feel saddened for the yet unborn child. Or do we? After all Weiner's a congressman and anything goes. Last might, on Fox, I heard a woman trying to explain why guys in congress have this 'thrust for lust'. It was her contention that most of them were the geek type growing up(think Henry Waxman from California) and various women can forego good looks for a power figure. Makes sense to me.

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