Tuesday, April 17, 2012

New Test For Alzheimer's

I can't think of anything worse than being diagnosed with onset dementia or Alzheimer's. Except for pancreatic and multiple myaloma most every other cancer at least gives a person a fighting chance. One of my parent's has dementia and it's not only a pain to visit but it's also a tedious exercise. It's my hope she's comfortable. I've told Lizzie that when(if) I get this way to throw me down an elevator shaft. Now, there's something to get excited about. The Brits say they have come up with testing to determine the beginning of Alzheimer's and, hopefully, a drug to eradicate this insidious disease.

"A BREAKTHROUGH in the fight against Alzheimer’s could pave the way to early diagnosis years before the devastating symptoms appear.
Scientists are hailing a new test which detects changes in the brain that can help to identify those people who are likely to go on to develop the disease.
Potential sufferers could be spotted and treated early, delaying the onset of the illness by years and allowing what few remedies are available to minimise its effects".

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