Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Libyan 'Rebels" Sell Chemical Weapons to Iran Among Others

From barenakedislam:

Tehran was drawn into backing Libya’s rebels by the discovery that the military stores they captured in Benghazi offered a one-time opportunity to acquire unconventional systems, especially chemical weapons, for its surrogates, the Lebanese Hizballah and Palestinian Hamas.

The Libyan war has become the global arms market’s richest event in five years. Qaddafi may be its primary engine, but Libyan rebels have not been amiss to dipping their hands in this lucrative market on their own behalf, DEBKA-Net-Weekly’s military and intelligence sources disclose.

Indeed more than one party has been attracted by Libya’s weapons trove, notably Iran, Hizballah and Hamas.

In the third week of February, Iranian representatives arrived in Benghazi on a shopping trip. They sat down with “senior officers” of Libya’s rebel forces, including former members of Qaddafi’s army.

Question? Did Barry O consider this possibility?

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