Tuesday, March 29, 2011

One More Takes A Dip

Lizzie and I are preparing for number eight baptism of a grandchild next week. It's going to be a festive and Christian occasion. In the Catholic Church baptism is one of the blessed sacraments. If you don't know, the poor child at birth, has the ugly stain of original sin on it's soul. Thanks a lot, Adam and Eve. Anyway, the good padre pours Holy Water over my granddaughter's head, says some prayers and Adeline's soul will be "clean as a green bean". When our kids were newly born we didn't want to take a chance that they might die with original sin on their souls so we filled the bath tub with water and did it ourselves. One can't be too careful. The Church has the ability to change the rules when they feel like change is good. It used to be people who passed on with that original stain went to a place called Limbo. It wasn't a bad place but, through no fault of their own, these humans were not allowed to see God. What a crock!. It's been changed for awhile so pretty much all of the deceased can walk through the pearly gates.
Baptisms today are kind of a community effort. In the old days there would be one baptism; sort of made the kid and that family feel special. Present day ceremonies are done en masse. When my eldest granddaughter was baptized there must have been thirty parents, godparents newborns and and their siblings on the alter. It looked like one of those group weddings the Rev. Sung Myung Moon held for his congregation.
Regardless, both sides of the families will be represented. The difficult aspect of all this is the recognition that we have eight munchkins. Time flies, doesn't it? I'd like to familiarize my readers with the 'wunder kinds' by name. In the 21st century there aren't may Michael's and Mary's anymore. It's more fashionable to be called: Oscar, Genevieve, Kingston, Eve, Tommy, Adeline, Paige and David. They'd best be nice to me. I buy treats for good little boys and girls.

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