Sunday, April 3, 2011

Ho-Hum. Another Slaughter

United Nations workers found 1,000 bodies yesterday---dead! I repeat, in the country of the Ivory Coast, 1,000 dead people were found, many hacked to death with machetes.
Our citizens haven't descended to the depths of other nations in the aftermath of an election that doesn't meet the desires of the losers----yet!
I have to admit I don't know much about the Ivory Coast. I knew it was in Africa. And, I was 99% sure it was on a coastline of Africa. Other than that, call me clueless. It's a former French colony composed of Islams and Roman Catholics split almost evenly(so says wikipedia) but that wasn't the cause of the murders.
In last years election the defeated and in residency candidate "refused to give up his throne". I gotta tell ya; ain't no way I'm going to swallow a gun for even the likes of Sarah Palin. Life's too short for that.
Anyway, there's a civil war going on in Africa just as there has been since Tribe A wanted the hunting rights to an area Tribe B had taken over 50,000 years ago. How do they solve this problem in today's climate? Well, they get out their high powered weapons, drive though cities in jeeps, shoot any and everything in their path, then hack off body parts with machetes; in this case, 1,000.

According to the AP, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton says the U.S. is "deeply concerned" about the situation in the Ivory Coast. Know what that means? It's code for, "I don't really give a s**t"!

So, what does this editorial have to do with anything? Well, it reminds me of a quote from the slaughter king, himself, Josef Stalin: "One death is a tragedy; a million is a statistic". There surely are a lot of 'statics' taking place nowadays.

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