Sunday, April 3, 2011

"Make Up Your Mind, Dumbo"

(NY Post)- Obama, heralding the latest dip in unemployment fig ures Friday, said:

“You should know that keeping the economy going and making sure jobs are available is the first thing I think about when I wake up in the morning and the last thing I think about when I go to bed each night.”

Sounds great, as it did on May 21, 2009 when he tried to beef up his Commander-In- Chief cred by saying:

“My single most important responsibility as President is to keep the American people safe. That is the first thing that I think about when I wake up in the morning. It is the last thing that I think about when I go to sleep at night.”

So, which one is the truth? Neither. He wakes up and goes to bed with one thought on his mind: Say whatever it takes to get re-elected.

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