Friday, September 2, 2011

2.3 Miles Of Creatures

From Lower Ten Mile Road to our cabin in Minnesota it's 2.3 miles of twisting, turning gravel and dirt. I get a kick out of this drive, especially in the evening or after the sun goes down. "Dark" in norther Minnesota is really dark. Think of being blind fifty times over. On some nights you can't see your hand in front of your face. Anyway, traveling the 2.3 is often times quite an experience. I have witnessed in my path, deer, porcupine, fox, a cougar, wild turkey, bears of all sizes and varieties, numerous bald eagles, more deer and, finally, enough deer to feed the entire Soviet Army in World War II from it's beginning to end. My next door neighbor told me he had two timber wolves in his yard in '09 and another man related he saw one of them at his place two miles north of us. Who am I to call them liars?
I really shouldn't complain about the deer. It's how we got our cabin. The previous owner built the place. He's a native. We have a very strong lake home association and one has to jump through hoops, even, to plant a tree or remove one. Well, this fella was a hunter. He'd place salt licks in the front yard and take out Bambi whenever he felt like it. The neighbors didn't take kindly to this so they gave him a choice of paths to take: get out or get out fast. He took 'fast'. Lucky us. We jumped on his offer and here we are.
What I haven't seen this year or last or the year before that are walleye. I think, in our lake, they're an endangered species.

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