Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Members of Congress: Scum At Its Worst

I always wondered how members of Congress can make a fortune while in office. There was a list of these slugs published recently who have made millions in the last decade. Pelosi and Rangel and many Republicans, I'm sure, have drunk at the government trough without any thought they are doing something illegal. And you know what? They aren't.
I was flabbergasted when I found out members of Congress are allowed insider trade information. It's no wonder they get rich. They are privy to any law that would benefit them financially, then vote on it to their benefit.

It's bad enough they get a $170,000 pension for life along with free health care but to use insider trading info to their gain is a travesty. They should be ashamed. Why not call your senator and rep and give 'em hell. I know I will. You can read the article here.

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