Tuesday, September 27, 2011

He Ain't No Poverty Pimp, Y'All

MJ Hawkeye wrote about Herman Cain a year ago. This guy is solid. As the CEO of Godfather's Pizza he took it from the red into the black in slightly over a year. He understood the costs of health care when he put Bill Clinton in his place in the '90's There isn't a greater comparison between conservative and liberal than a Cain vs. Jackson, Sr. and Sharpton. One is positive and the others are negative. One is forward looking and the others blame their problems on what happened one hundred-fifty years ago.
Cain can't win the nomination. Whoever heard of a conservative, Tea Party supporting, patriotic, religious, pro-2nd amendment, family man, pro-life Black man?
If you happen to be a liberal aren't you more than embarrassed when you think about it? You, more than anyone, want to keep blacks in poverty so you have a platform for bitching.
Mona Charon has a nice column about Cain. Read it, please!

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