Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Consistent readers know I klutzed a few weeks ago and stepped on my computer. The screen has a visible crack in it so I thought, "What the heck. Why not buy a new one and help fuel the economy"? This is the tricky part. When I buy computers I purchase based on price not quality. The reason being I don't do much on one: send and receive e-mails, write a blog and once in awhile insert a photo. I google people and I can cut and paste. Other than this I am dufus. My last buy was an Acer. Why is it when I tell folks the name they sort of chuckle? I get an inkling, from their expression, they're saying "dufus".
I know the Council Bluffs Cowboy can offer good advice but he won't embarrass me by putting a comment on this site------maybe. I'm jealous of his computer acumen because he knows how to put those happy and sad faces on e-mails.
So, I'm asking readers to offer their opinions on what computer I should purchase. Now, don't be sarcastic and write something like "get one with a titanium screen, Dufus". Be reasonable and polite, please.
MJ Dufus

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