Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Good News For Old Timers

Have your ever heard the phrase, 'half your age plus seven'? If not, it refers to acceptable relationships between me and women.

I heard this theory from my ex-boss. He told me that it's okay to date woman who is half your age and they dig it. His first wife passed away at age 68 and he was the same.

So, after a year in mourning, he felt it was okay to begin dating again. His limit on age would now be no one younger than forty-one. I thought that was a pretty good deal for guys but conversely, not the reverse. He ended up marrying a woman ten years younger than he so it fit into his criteria.

Since I'm about to be seventy I could still snag a forty-two year and that's not bad considering my daughter, my oldest child, is going to be forty-six.

Boys and girls, I'm still in the game.

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