Friday, December 18, 2015

Merry Christmas! Paul Ryan Gave Us 2,000 Pages Of Toilet Paper

John Boehner needed to go as Speaker of the House. He had lost the confidence of the people and members of his party. In essence, there was little difference between Boehner and Pelosi. They both served at the behest of Obama and the party not in power.

The American people went to the polls four years ago and announced, "Enough"!. We want new leadership to bring the dastardly policies of the socialists in power under control. As it turned out we experienced the same old same old. Out the door went Boehner and in came Paul Ryan. It would be a new day and we could look forward to ending the nonsense in Washington .

Folks, it didn't happen. Paul Ryan caved on the new budget, all 2,000 pages of it. He gave the administration more than they could imagined. As stated by the lying White House spokesperson, Josh Earnest, "we are very happy with the budget deal" They should be. They are still in power even though they aren't. Huh?

My own personal opinion is we are witnessing the demise of the Republican Party much as we did with the Whigs who spawned the original Republican group in either Ripon, Wisconsin or Jackson, Michigan depending on who you wish to believe.

Christmas came early for the LPSC Party. They've already unwrapped their gifts and are screaming with joy. What a travesty.

"Paul Ryan is acting like every Democrat's wet dream.  The massive budget he is shoving down America's throat is a wish list full of everything the Democrats could possibly want.
o He's giving $1.6 billion to resettle illegal aliens rather than deport them.
o He is fully funding Obama's illegal amnesty.
o He is fully funding Obamacare.
o He is fully funding Planned Parenthood and their baby cutting tactics.
o He is allowing Obama to bring in hundreds of thousands of Muslim refugees.
o He is fully funding the EPA's program to shut down coal-fired power plants.
o He is going to add hundreds of billions of dollars to our national debt.
Ryan also went back on his promise to change the process and have spending bills be reviewed in committee, one at a time; this is the same fat huge omnibus budget made behind closed doors that almost no one had read or reviewed as in the John Boehner era".
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