Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Piggy Piggy


Philadelphia police, the FBI, and the city's Human Relations Commission launched investigations Monday after a worker at a North Philadelphia mosque found a severed pig's head outside its door. http://www.philly.com/philly/news/20151208_Severed_pig_s_head_left_at_N__Phila__mosque.html#MJpYYYr2S3v4ueyr.99

Let me try and grasp the essence of this story. City, state and federal agents are now investigating Porky Pig's severed head being thrown at a mosque. Folks, it's Bizarro World: up is down, right is left, black is white, Christians are bad and non-believers are good.

We, the government, have released thousands of criminals onto the streets. Illegal immigrants aren't illegal. Murderers walk free and a thousand excuses are brought forth for their behavior because they had a rough life. Tax cheats are good people(Al Sharpton). Oh my gosh, it's an endless list but a pigs head is now the most heinous crime committed by mankind upon the most protected religious group in the US; Muslims.

Besides, who's to say Ahmed the Clockmaker didn't heave the head? That's where I'm putting my money.

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