Wednesday, March 2, 2016

A New Kind Of Evangelical

Evangelical: "of or according to the teaching of the gospel or the Christian religion". It seems to me the definition for evangelical is straightforward or am I still living in my parents basement?

As of this writing 39% of evangelicals are giving their support to Donald Trump. I am flummoxed by this number unless the polling is not to be believed.

Has Trump convinced these folks he is a man of God? The front runner in the Republican Party has told us he is a Christian because he carries a Bible and attends church, which one I don't know, on Easter and Christmas.

There was a story in some such magazine, verified by Trump, when he walked to the communion altar and placed some cash on top of it. He thought it was the collection plate. So much for church attendance.

This is my huge problem with Trump's Christian stance. He stated, "I have never had to ask God for forgiveness".

In order to be a Christian we have to admit we are sinners and need God's forgiveness to enter into His kingdom. It's that simple. Evidently, Donald Trump considers himself on an equal plane God.

Evangelicals need to find another reason to support Mr. Trump because their religious practices don't cut it when giving Trump their vote.

If one gives it some thought there is always more than what appears to be logical. For instance, just because I'm a practicing Roman Catholic doesn't mean there were renegades who didn't vote for Obama. There were and there were plenty of these traitors. There are millions of so-called Catholics who've forgotten what the inside of church looked like.

So, just because one calls himself an evangelical( we all love labels) doesn't mean that person is a practicing one. My bet is these faux evangelicals are the ones giving Trump a boost.

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