Thursday, March 10, 2016

Let's Pretend Bernie Wins The Presidency

Just for now let's pretend Hillary is indicted and has to drop out of the race. This excludes the possibility  the establishment Democrats don't force Kerry or Elizabeth Warren into the fray. Then The Bern would become their candidate.

There's a report out this afternoon that Ben Carson is going to endorse Don Trump. If so, that blows my theory of the Republican dropouts never supporting Trump. Let's assume Trump is the nominee.

The very best polling web site is Real Clear Politics. I was scanning it last evening. There were eight polls showing Trump the loser against both Hillary and Sanders. Against Bernie, Trump loses by 20 points. "It's hell to be unpopular across the nation but that's what the Donald has made himself".

Anyway, we'll assume that Sanders wins the election. Sometimes, if order to win in the long run it requires losing in the short term.

The Republicans will maintain control of the House but might lose the Senate. Not a problem. I say let Bernie have everything he wants. Give him the Supreme Court. I'm sure there are communists in this country who he could put on the bench and bring it down to the lever set by Lenin in the Politboro.

Bernie wants to place a 90% tax on billionaires. Let him have it. He also wants to raise the business taxes to 90%. Think about how many businesses would never relocate to the US. Why, we'd have an economy just like Venezuela and Ghana--combined. People wouldn't be able to afford toilet paper. That's how it is for the Venezuelans and they seem to be doing okay. It's amazing how many uses there are for leaves and different types of fronds. For your convenience I've placed a link with all the programs Bernie wants for the nation. It's a doozy.

Let him raise the minimum wage to $15.50 per hours. Allow college students to attend school for free and don't forget health care. That's all free, too. Every item on the grocery story shelves will be free. Cars, household appliances, electric bills, etc. FREE, FREE, FREE!

I say, let the country go completely to hell. Maybe we could clear the lobbyists out of Washington DC and let the rats the furry kind, take over the hallways of the White House, Senate and House.

Let's make life so miserable that we'd all be forced to revert back to the pioneer days where we had to hunt and build with our hands and brains to survive.

I'm starting to get excited, folks. It's possible we, the citizenry, could develop such a hatred for socialists, communists, liberals, democrats we could destroy their philosophy forever. I doubt it but we could try and it's fun to consider.

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