Saturday, March 12, 2016

Conspiracy Theories Proven To Be True

Saturday afternoons in March revolve around NCAA college basketball. Since both of my teams are on the sidelines I surfed the channels hoping to find a game or two that caught my interest. I didn't.

When I'm in this 'I wish I had something to do' mode thousands of thoughts and ideas race through my mind. I read somewhere that the average person has around 75,000 different thoughts every day.

Earlier in the morning I had perused a story about one of Vladimir Putin's aides found dead while in Washington D.C. under questionable circumstances. I wasn't surprised. The Ruskies are noted for bumping off those who don't fit into the big scheme of world domination.

Then it hit me. Conspiracy theories also apply to the United States. I'm not talking about whether or not Marilyn Monroe was murdered by one of the Kennedy boys or whether or not JFK was assassinated by someone other than Lee Oswald. But, regarding the last statement I am. According to proven records, Kennedy was murdered by members of the Mafia. We know this from a 1978 study done by the government but kept hush-hush.

I came across thirty-three theory conspiracies proven to be true. You might be surprised at some and will learn items of interest you never before considered.

Sorry to write there's no mention of Area 51 aliens populating the earth.

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