Monday, September 26, 2016

"Free Ice Cream For Everyone"

The super huge first debate is tonight. Did you know this? It's supposed to garner as many viewers, over 100 million, as do the Super Bowl games. I'd like to make a comment on Super Bowls. I haven't watched one in years so that gives you an idea about my viewing habits for this evening.

Unfortunately, there isn't a sporting event I'm able to see. I checked out the listings at our movie cinema. Does it seem to you not much worth watching is coming out of Tinseltown?

I have DVR'd some of my favourite shows from the Hallmark Channel. There's one with Betty White called The Lost Valentine. As a young girl she saw her husband off at the railroad station as he went to fight in WWII. They never found his body until she was informed by the government he would be coming home in a casket sixty-six years later--on Valentine's Day. It's a tear jerker but I like it because there are flashbacks to when they were young and in love and there's quite a few songs of the 40's era. Those are not only my favourites they also happen to be the best songs ever written and recorded. Who would have thought ten years later we would be listening to You Ain't Nothing But A Hound Dog? But, I digress.

The actual reasons I won't be watching the spectacle of the century are these: Why listen to lies and bogus promises? Do you remember who won your 8th grade election for class president? I do. It's the person who promised, if elected, they would get free ice cream for everyone in the lunch room. They didn't say when or how often just that it was a promise.

After the 'debate' has concluded pundits on both sides will declare their choice the winner. I'll read the news, my news, in the morning.

Aha! I've decided what I will be doing while this disaster is taking place. I'll be in my bed, windows wide open and sleeping like my granddaughter Camille does after a difficult day of pooping her pants and sticking God knows what in her mouth while her mother tries to chase her down.

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