Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Lester Holt Proved Why Americans Are Sick Of The Media

Lester Holt's blatant bias against Donald Trump Monday night held to Hunter S. Thompson's brutal description of journalists and journalism:
Journalism is not a profession or a trade; it is a cheap catch-all for f---offs and misfits – a false doorway to the backside of life.

Holt just proved to tens of millions of Americans that absolute media power corrupts absolutely.  If trust and confidence in the media have fallen to the lowest in history, as recently reported, Holt, in his total abandonment of any semblance of objectivity, has lowered both even more.

This bootlicking cog, beholden to his pro-Hillary media masters, didn't bring up  Benghazi, the email scandals, the Clinton Foundation slush fund, Huma Abedin's ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, or Clinton's connections to the biggest female oppressors on the planet.  With no pushback at all, Holt allowed Hillary to reference an irrelevant 1996 beauty pageant winner as an example of Trump's so-called misogyny.

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