Thursday, September 15, 2016

OMG! Hillary's Having A Press Conference

MJ Hawkeye is your eye in the sky as Hilly Mae is having her first press conference in 280 days. The first question from the press:

First question: Why are the polls tightening?

Second question: How do you think Sec. of State Kerry will deal with the Russians in Syria?

Third question: Why didn't you inform people about your pneumonia beforehand? ( she didn't have pneumonia-it's a lie)

Fourth question: a question about her veep partner, Tim Kaine, but the press person mumbled. I  believe it had something to do with how often they communicate.

Fifth question: Another question about her health.

Sixth question: Do you have a relationship with leaders from around the world.

End of press conference. As Chris Matthews would say, "Did it send a thrill up your leg"?

I have some questions without delving into her husband's years which is a story in itself.

1) How much do you drink on a daily basis?
2) How many surgeries have you had in the past three years and for what? Did you have a stroke?
3) Why are you hated by so many Americans?
4) Why did you refuse ambassador Chris Stevens(Libya) request to add security the day before he was murdered and reduced his request by six?
5) Why are you hated by so many Americans?
6) Will you release an audit of the Clinton Foundation?
7) Is Webb Hubbell the biological father of Chelsea. Bubba once told a colleague he wasn't concerned with
     getting a woman pregnant because he was firing blanks.
8) How many Clinton body bag deaths are factual?

Hillary: It's not the crime. It's the cover up

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