Tuesday, September 13, 2016

What's The Big Deal With Pneumonia

From Diogenes Middle Finger

The very latest of Hillary's illnesses is pneumonia. Her handlers and the MSM want us to believe it's been the problem for the last five years. Did pneumonia bring on her blackouts, her lapses in memory, her blood clots? I don't think so. Trust me, I know the Clinton's when it comes to making up stories. She's less healthy
than we've led to believe.

Ol' MJ, back in December was playing a high school basketball game against Grinnell. I recall it was in the first half of a tight game. My next recollection is falling to the floor. The next I knew I was being carted to the  hospital in an ambulance.

The doctor's diagnosed my 'fainting spell' as dehydration. I'm laughing, of course. It was determined I had bronchial pneumonia. Care to guess how long my hospital happened to be. Well, it was three days and I wasn't running for the presidency. In essence, I was a 17 year old kid who played sports year 'round yet, here I was, lying flat on my back at the Boone County Hospital.

If you a Hillaryite you'd better wake up and smell the coffee before you have to eat your own vomit.

I happen to be a conspiracy theorist. It adds spice to life. It so happens I was visiting my youngest son in Cincinnati on Sunday. I told him I thought that Hillary has to hang in there regardless of her health, not so much so that she is elected but that the Democrat Party retains it's power. Then, after the inauguration she can pound sand as far as the Party is concerned.

Remember this: It's not the cough. It's the cover-up.

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