Sunday, September 18, 2016

What A Trump Win Would Mean

The LA Times, one of the most liberal papers in America has Trump up by 7 points today. Furthermore, and if we believe in polling, he is garnering 20% of the Black vote. Did you read that? Never in my lifetime has a  Republican candidate  received more than 8% of their vote.

The Hispanic vote is also moving in Trump's direction. So, what does this mean?

I certainly don't want to get ahead of myself because there will be news stories and debates to come.

The excitement for me and millions of Americans is this: If Hillary is defeated we will never have to hear from them again. They'll be dead meat. Gone forever. The Clinton Foundation will dry up. Who wants to give cash when they can't get a favor in return.

The joy I will have of never having to see Bill, Hillary, Chelsea, Sid Blumenthal, Huma Abedin, Cheryl Mills et. al. will be the grandest of times.

I'm hoping and praying.

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