Sunday, September 18, 2016

This 'N That From Dublin, Ohio

Tom Selleck is one of my favorite actors. He's disappointed me, along with the late Fred Thompson, by promoting reverse mortgages on television.

Did you know there's a movie on the BET network called, 'How to tell when you're a douchebag'. I have no response to this but to say, "what the hell is wrong in this country"?

Her Majesty is in Minnesota under the guise of closing the lake place for the winter. I'm not that stupid. She likes her privacy and demands quiet time. That, my dear friends is why she's there. Besides, we have had in the past hired people to come in and close the place. God bless her.

I've heard from a number of Iowans about how badly I must feel about the Hawkeyes losing to North Dakota State yesterday. Not really. What would really get me down is my my doctor told me I had terminal cancer.

I've been noticing an increase in texting while driving, mostly by women. Sad.

In 1971 I was a teacher and head basketball coach at Storm Lake St. Mary's H.S. Two days ago I had the opportunity to speak on the phone with two of my best players, their mother and father(great supporters) and three sisters. It was grand. Never, ever forget those folks who were kind to you. In the same vein it boggles my mind how immature and self-centered I was.

There was a wonderful gospel in church today. In essence it said, be kind to the poor. Our priest, Fr. Hendricks, gave a wonderful sermon. He told the story of Capt. John Newton(1725-1807). Newton an Englishman, captained a slave ship. He would sail to Africa, pick up a cargo of blacks and cross the ocean to have then sold in America. Of course, the conditions making the crossing were horrible. Normally, half the slaves died due to disease and starvation.

On his last trip Newton left Africa and after some time had a self realization. He came to the conclusion he was an extremely despicable person for what he was doing. So, he turned his ship around and took his cargo back to Africa and set the future slaves free. Then he turned his ship toward England and gave up his nefarious ways.

John Newton became an Episcopal minister. He also wrote a song which has been ingrained in our minds since. It's called Amazing Grace.

Newton practiced today's gospel and that's what we should all do; be kinder to the poor and those in need.

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