Friday, April 1, 2011

This Is Bigger Than The A-Bomb

Folks, this is a stunner of a story and I just read it at the American Spectator by Jeffrey Lord. PBS, yes that PBS that brought us the firing of Juan Williams, the videos of executives willing to accept terrorist money, has decided to replace the "liberal of the ages", Bill Moyers with, are you ready for this: the conservative, irascible, cleverly funny, no holds barred, Ann Coulter! I am literally flabbergasted. For certain, the world is coming to an end. Candy canes will fall from the sky, MJ will be a candidate for sainthood before death and the Chicago Cubs will call today with a contract request for me to be their ace on the hill.

This is hilarious. Talk about trying to save their collective behinds. I've heard of 'mea culpas' before but this is downright--------------I'm at a loss for words.

Reports from the D.C. area say that liberals are mortified and angry. To that I say, "Goodie".
"Hey, is this April 1"? I thought so.

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