Sunday, October 30, 2011

Airlines: They Don't Get It

Here's the scenario; a Jet Blue takes off from Ft. Lauderdale and, because of the East Coast snow storm, is diverted to an airport in Connecticut. It's on the ground for seven hours-----waiting to find a debarkation bay. There is no water and no restroom facilities. People are literally pissed off.
A story of this nature is in the news frequently. The airline apologizes, makes all kinds of promises to the public to make sure it doesn't happen again; yada, yada, yada.
Remember when I wrote about my son having the same thing done to he and his family last summer? "Airlines", he said, "are quick to apologize without offering any financial compensation for time and inconvenience but if you're baggage is one ounce over the limit they'll nail you with an extra charge in a heart beat".

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