Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Irritating Situations

According to a Quinnipiac pol taken yesterday it looks as though the unions are going to keep their partial collective bargaining rights in Ohio. The poll has the union guys up by 25 points. It's mind boggling. First, I haven't seen any good ads from the Republican side as to why our governor's executive order shouldn't be maintained. If you are unfamiliar with this bill think Wisconsin. On the other side there's a TV commercial playing showing a "cute as a button" young teacher convincing the voters why she needs the governor's bill overturned. For example, she says "we need better schools. We will be able to buy books and school supplies. We care about the kids". If she was truly honest she'd tell us the real reason she wants the law overturned; John Q. Public can pay her health insurance and pensions in addition to our own. It's apparent the public workers don't want to pay their fare share.
Ol' MJ was coming home from a doctor's appointment this afternoon and pulled up behind a stopped school bus. Three small critters got out. The bus then proceeded to go one half block and repeat the same scenario. Two hundred yards later and frustration begins to set in because the bus stops again. It had not complete it's task; one more stop in one hundred yards. Four stops by a school bus in slightly over one city block. If I was the kid who was at the last stop I'd say, "the hell with this noise" and remove myself at the initial stop point. It's no wonder kids have calf muscles the size of straws. They don't walk anywhere.

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