Thursday, October 13, 2011

Super Solyndra II

George Miller III is an uber liberal congressman from,where else, California. His son, George Miller IV is a lobbyist for a firm called SunPower. They make solar panels the same way Solyndra did. Guess what? SunPower received a 1.2 billion dollar grant from Obama Country. It gets better. The panels will be made in Mexico. Is this nitkicking? Not really since SunPower is in the same legal jam as Solyndra. Once again, Obama is rolling the dice with your cash and his pals are getting rich by doing it. Oh, by the way, lawyers for Solyndra received 2.4 million of taxpayer money to defend the crooks.
If the "Occupy Wall Street" crowd wanted to protest they should camp out on the doors of Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Watters, George Miller----the list is endless. This administration is reminiscent of that of U.S. Grant. He tried to get along with everyone to the point that there was an open door policy in the White House for those to have ill gotten gains. It was referred to as the "Nadir of National Disgrace". The more things change the more they stay the same, or something like that.

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