Friday, September 2, 2016

The Perfect Squelch For Donald Trump

As I left the parking lot of Highland Lakes golf course the radio was tuned to the Rush Limbaugh. Rush is on vacation and had a substitute host. The program format allows for callers and a guy called in with the best call I've heard in years.

We all know there are going to be three scheduled debates. Lester Holt of NBC will host the first. Martha Raddatz from ABC and Anderson Cooper of CNN moderating the second and Chris Wallace from Fox doing the third.

My suspicion is there aren't going to be too many Trump voters among the panel asking questions.

The Rush caller stated, "Everybody is going to try and back Trump into a corner. They'll bring up perceived past actions to make Trump look like an idiot. For example, Holt will say, "Do you regret calling Rosie O'Donnell a fat pig"? And this will be the strategy of all these liberal snobs.

Now for the good part. The caller said every time Trump is asked one of these idiot questions he should come back with, "At this point what difference does it make"?

Wouldn't this be classic. Trump would have everyone laughing wildly and he'd control the agenda from there on in.

Gosh, I wish I would have thought of this.

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