Monday, January 21, 2019

Anti-Catholicism Is Rampant In This Country Thanks To The Left

Unless you've been visiting the planet Pluto the past few days you've heard and read about the high school kids from Covington Ky. Catholic High School.

I needn't dwell on the story except to now know it was a fake story. As for the Indian drum player he pulled his same stunt three years ago in from of a group of Eastern Michigan Univ. students. In other words, this guy is a walking, talking cow pie.

Did you know the people we send to congress are insane? This is a serious question. The congressman from the district of the lad who was accused of inciting the problem with the Indian and the four radical Muslim Blacks is John Yarmuth(Dumbass-Louisville). His first tweet after the incident was to call for a ban on MAGA caps for young people because they incite people. What an idiot. And to think this clown went to Yale. So much for an Ivy League education, huh?

The way I see it is this and I might be wrong-------but I don't think so. The kids from Covington Catholic were wearing MAGA caps, they were practicing Catholic and they had attended a Right to Life March. That's it. We all know the media and Left hates Catholics as exemplified by the grilling of a potential judge from Nebraska for a federal position by Kamala Harris(Dirtbag-Calif.) and Mazie Hirona(Dufus-Hawaii). He was chastised for belonging to the Knights of Columbus. "Burn him at the stake", would be the next step.

As for the lads from Kentucky I say, 'Sue, Sue, Sue, every damned outlet that called for them to be expelled and run out of town'. These kids could retire for life.

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