Monday, January 28, 2019

The Dollar Tree Store Clerk Got It Right

A man in Boone, Iowa, my hometown, passed away this week. He was 88 years old and a pillar of the community. It was important to me to send a condolence card to his family. So, off to the Dollar Store I went. I've mentioned before how I'm amazed that people will go to Kroger Food and spend five dollars for a card when the Dollar stores sell them for a buck.

I picked out a card, read the inside to make sure the message was appropriate then for some reason looked at the back of the card. It was made by Hallmark and the price was listed at $3.95. Hmmm. When I went to check out when the clerk told me it was $1.07 with tax. I asked her why this same Hallmark card at Kroger could job the customer so much? Her answer was perfect. She said, "Because they can."

You know me. I began applying this same thinking to our government. Why are taxes so high? Why are there so many government restrictions on the people? Why do we stand for this? Why do the elected officials pass legislation to benefit themselves without regard to who they hurt? It's the same answer. Because they can.

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