Thursday, January 24, 2019

MJ Hawkeye Has Been Vindicated

People elect representatives who express their views. That's a given. When one party is the majority and the other the minority and vote on a bill making it a law that's toughskie shitskies for the party not in power. At least that's what Mr. Lyness told us in our high school government class.

The State of Iowa recently passed a fetal heart beat abortion bill initiated by the Republicans, the party in power as elected by THE PEOPLE. The Governor, a Republican signed the bill into law. The law as written says when a fetal heart beat is detected there will not be an abortion. Done, right. No! I've always stated the people have no say in laws and I've been vindicated. One activist Judge overturned the law, calling a timeout to have the bill looked at again. Why do people vote anyway. Their vote is meaningless?

Of course Planned Parenthood was overjoyed. A spokesperson for PP was front and center calling the ruling a 'victory for the people'. Obviously, it's not much of a victory for the baby.

Furthermore, the spokesperson, and I love this because she parroted Bill Clinton, said all we want are abortions that are 'safe, legal and rare'. Hah! Are 50 million murders of babies since the inception of Roe v. Wade 'safe, legal and (emphasis on) rare? This person is a liar on the par of Hillary or she's the dumbest broad on the face of the earth.

What am I missing?

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