Thursday, January 31, 2019

Why In The World Would Anyone Vote For A Democrat

The title of this blog is really sort of silly. Of course people would vote Democrat. My dad, a semi-knowledgeable railroad worker voted Democrat because his dad, who was born in 1888 voted Democrat. My dad's philosophy, which he got from his dad was this, The Republicans never did anything for the working man. Brother, is that theory in the toilet.

John f. Kennedy would not make it in the Democrat Party. His brother, Teddy Kennedy did make it in the party because abortion is a goody for him.

In the election of 2014 the Democrat Party ran on the issues of toilets for men and women. It ran the gamut of other subjects but toilets sort of them a whole lot of House seats. Their philosophy now is to be able to kill babies. They want to be on a par with North Korea. A few years ago Andy Cuomo stated in a speech pro-life people aren't welcome in New York. Godless talk but it worked.

Today, January 31, 2019 Democrats have made a stand. The main issue of their platform in the next election is abortion. It goes further. They want infanticide. They want to be on a par with China and their one child policy. They want to be on a par with North Korea and their abortion policies.

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