Sunday, January 27, 2019

Sen. Skank Takes To The Senate Floor

Decorum is out the door with the current cast of toxic females in government. If it isn't one calling Trump a Hitler or another referring to him as a Moth*ucker then we have to deal with the newest from Arizona; the lovely bisexual Democrat Krysten Sinema.

In my wildest dreams I could never imagine the likes of Elizabeth Dole donning this outfit. Thankfully, I could never consider the walking, talking liar of all time, Hillary looking this way. But that'd be for another reason. D.C. Tent and Awning couldn't come up with a mini-skirt this small.

The photo calls to mind the question posed by Joe Welch when questioning Sen. JosephMcCarthy at the Army- McCarthy at the communist hearings of the early 50's, "Have you no sense of decency, Senator?

Daniel Webster is rolling over in his grave.

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