Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Charlie's A Killer

Mallard Duck image 0

I'm constantly on the lookout for dog toys our little Cairn Terrier might enjoy. A month ago I took said Charlie to Pet Smart to have his toe nails cut.

While he was getting the manicure I walked the aisles hoping the find the perfect gift and I came across a mallard, covered in cloth with cotton stuffing. The tag said, 'Durable and long lasting'. Fat chance of that, I thought, but I'll give it a go.

It took Chaz two whole days to complete his action of destruction. We fill it back up with its cotton then sew up where he's ripped it apart. At this time the sewing kit has gone away. Now we wrap it with electricians tape. I'd throw it away but it cost $15.

The interesting aspect of Charlie and the duck is it shows the instincts of the breed of dog going back thousands of years. From the get go he would chew on it. I'd place it on the floor and he'd get on his belly then crawl to Donald and pounce grabbing onto the neck and thrashing it back and forth faster than you can say, "You're dead".

Pretty cool, huh?

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