Wednesday, November 13, 2019

If God Invented Baseball

If God invented baseball there would be no stealing, no balks, no wild pitches or intentional walks. There would be no pitch-outs,foul balls or errors. There would be no one-hand catches or bean balls.There would be no curves or sliders,no rundowns, or warning tracks.If God invented baseball there would be no night games, no balls getting lost in the sun. There would be no bunting or swinging for the fences. There would be no double plays or triple plays.If God invented baseball He would not rest on the seventh day. Instead He would turn to us and say“let’s play two.” He would let us bat first while his angels danced in the outfield.

E. Appleburt Miller

My wife forwarded this to me. I love baseball. It, along with golf, is the only pure game.

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