Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Trump Baby Doll Done Got Slashed

It’s safe to say that the Alabama “baby Trump” balloon-popper is not sorry for his actions.

Hoyt Deau Hutchinson was at the LSU-Alabama game and saw the anti-Trump baby doll and, well, just lost it. He took a knife to the flying object.

I'm not one for vandalism of any kind but turn about is fair play.

Anyway, read it in Hoyt's own words. Them thar southern boys have a great deal of wisdom.

“The Left wants to use religion against you like you shouldn’t act like this and stuff but I’ll tell you this – the Devil knows the Bible as good as we do,” he said.
“This was your turning of the temple tables?” Burgess asked, referring to Jesus turning over the money changers’ tables in the temple.
“Yes,” the 32-year-old answered. “It comes a point when you gotta take a stand. We don’t have two parties anymore. We have good vs. evil.”

“When you got one party that says it’s OK to kill babies and by the way, this is the first time I’m ever seen a liberal get mad about chopping up a baby,” Hutchinson added, referring to Democrats’ push for abortion-on-demand until the moment of birth."
Don't worry about Hoyt. Thousands of dollars have been donated to his Go Fund Me page.

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