Tuesday, April 28, 2020

"Some People Aren't Happy Unless They're Miserable"

In earlier posts I'd mentioned I'd never, not once, consider getting sick and/or dying. It's a sad commentary on my thinking that I have not once wore a face mask except when I was a catcher in baseball.

To say some of us have overreacted could be an understatement. I have a friend who lives in The Villages. In March he was in a panic and emailed me he was more than certain 60 million Americans, not folks in the world, but Americans were going to die due to this virus. I 'bout choked on my Doritos.

You 'll have to believe on on some of the items I write down. I'm not a Joe Biden. I don't plagiarize or make up items. My Catholic conscience would kill me mentally. I happened to read a doctor's report this morning. He stated, "The amount of deaths for people under 50 is practically nil". If this is the case then let those over 50 do the right thing. For those under 50 go out and get drunk, attend NASCAR races and puke in the woods.

Laura Ingraham had two doctors, Stanford by the way, on her show last night who refuted the stats given to us by the government for deaths. Oh, did you know the most populace state in the Union, Californa, has had only 1700 deaths and for all we know these might be made up. They had come out with You Tube video explaining this but after the Ingraham show last night You Tube eliminated it.

Spain has instituted very stringent laws to for sequestering. People are absolute confined to their homes except to have a brief walk with their pets around the block. What if one doesn't own a pet? You could buy a gerbil and carry it in your pocket or as one thinking man did he carried his fishbowl. I like this guy's thinking.

I do believe the longer this goes on the more we'll learn. It's good that officials started strictly but it's best to slack down. When I was a teacher I set a strict standard for the first week. I wanted to put the proverbial fear of God into the students to cut down on shenanigans. As time went on I eased off only to let them know I was human. Parents who don't crack down from the get go will someday be visiting their children in the county jail.

I'm amazed at how well nations have done with few deaths. Russia says they've had 750. China chimes in with 5,000 and, of course, North Korea has had zero. Wowie! And I thought we had excellent medicine.

Are you waiting for a vaccine? Don't hold your breath. There has never been a vaccine developed for any virus, not one. But what about the normal flu, you say? You know, the one that sees 60,000 deaths in the U.S. every year. Guys and gals, it's a 50-50 proposition on its effectiveness. This year I went to Walgreen's three times to get a shot but they were out so I finally decided not to waste my time.

The Queen is bound and determined to stay home no matter what. She hasn't seen her Scottsdale grandkids since last August. She had air tics scheduled for April 10 and canceled. At this time a person can purchase a tic to Phoenix from Cincinnati for $29 but she won't go. Hell, I'd ride on the wing for that price.

My best friend in Columbus wears a handkerchief where ever he goes. We hit golf balls yesterday and he was in his bank robber outfit. I love the guy but, to me, that's a little over the top.

I'm beginning to wonder if citizens want to get back to work. Heck, yesterday Pelosi told us she like to introduce legislation to give everyone a guaranteed monthly income. The voters would not go for that. Like heck they wouldn't or those who pay taxes wouldn't. Poor Pelosi and Schiiff.
As I said, "Some people aren't happy unless they're miserable."

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